April 2023 Legal Update
Woodside attempted to strike out ACF’s case to stop the massive Scarborough gas project until its impact on the Great Barrier Reef is assessed.
On 20 April, the Federal Court dismissed the gas giant’s application to strike out our claim.
Now ACF can move forward in our case to stop the Scarborough Gas project in its tracks, until its climate impacts on the Great Barrier Reef are properly assessed. We are eagerly awaiting a date to be set for the full hearing.
We couldn’t have achieved this without your courage to stand by our side as we go face to face with Woodside. The only reason we can be fearless and take on the biggest companies in Australia is because of the passion and commitment of generous people like you.
Your help is urgently needed
Woodside Energy's Scarborough Gas Project is one of the most polluting new fossil fuel proposal in Australia.
Once operational, it will generate climate pollution over its lifetime equal to ten years running all of Australia’s coal-fired power stations.
They think their climate-wrecking project doesn’t need approval under Australia’s national environmental laws.
We don’t agree.
And now we need your support today, to go face to face with Woodside Energy in the Federal Court.
This is a disaster for nature and a methane bomb waiting to be detonated, which is why we’re taking it up to the Federal Court.
If we win, we will set an urgently-needed legal precedent, and draw a line in the sand that climate impacts must be considered under our national environment law.
We’ll be arguing the Scarborough Project’s enormous greenhouse gas emissions will have a significantly detrimental impact on the World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef. Therefore, this project should not be allowed to start production without approval under our national environment law.
Although the gas would be extracted in Western Australia and much of it burned overseas, it would fuel climate damage that is already bleaching coral a ghostly white on the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland. We know that the use of fossil fuels threatens our way of life and the places we love, no matter where they’re burned.
Please give generously today so we can go face to face with Woodside Energy in the Federal Court.
With your support, we won’t stop until we have exhausted all legal options to get the climate consequences of this project properly considered.
Together, we can set an important precedent for the future.
Click here to read more about the Woodside Energy’s Scarborough to Pluto gas project!