Big polluters are trying to sneak through loopholes to hide their emissions.
Will you help expose and hold them to account?
Big polluters will try every trick in the book to protect their profit.
Earlier this year, our Investigations Team was looking into federal government emissions data when they noticed something suspicious. The pollution from an entire coal mine was missing from the records.
The Chain Valley Coal Mine in New South Wales had emitted more than 450,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent that year. These emissions should have been regulated under the Safeguard Mechanism. But they weren't!
Our Environmental Investigators discovered the owner had falsely reclassified the coal mine as a power station, allowing it to escape stricter regulation of its carbon emissions.
Digging even further, the team found two other power companies exploiting this same loophole to avoid reporting their emissions.
With the United Nations Secretary General declaring we're now in "the era of global boiling", we simply can't let big polluters get away with sneaking through loopholes. We need to stop polluters from exceeding their emissions limits and putting more CO2 into the atmosphere.
We must continue to fight to reduce pollution to reduce climate damage.
Your help is urgently needed to keep watch on big polluters. Please will you donate now?
Your donation now will help:
Hire and send up drones to expose illegal activity
Enable our team to obtain the satellite imagery vital to many of their investigations
Fund special equipment to take into the field to measure invisible methane pollution
Cover the application fees for Freedom of Information requests for state government information
Support our teams as they closely monitor and scrutinise government and company data that doesn't stack up
We urgently need your help to fund the ACF Investigations Team to scrutinise and closely watch polluters, the government and the private sector and hold them to account.
The ACF Environmental Investigation Team is 100% donor-funded. Because of you, they investigate and expose unethical, illegal, polluting and damaging behaviour, and make sure governments act.
Your donation goes directly to active, tangible projects that stop pollution, stop habitat destruction and reduce climate damage.
Please donate now.