Potent methane is leaking into our atmosphere from gas projects and coal mines across Australia.
And mostly, it’s been happening undetected – until now.
At Santos, Origin and Jemena's polluting facilities, we used an Optical Gas Imaging camera - one of the first of its kind in Australia - to detect and capture footage of methane's infrared energy escaping from vents, pipelines and even into a river!
Our findings substantiate concerns that Australia's big emitters are apathetic when it comes to methane emissions.
Until now, big polluters had been poorly monitored, under reported, and not held to nearly a high-enough standard.
Our investigations team needs ongoing funding to ensure they can continue to scrutinise dodgy polluters harming our climate and environment.
Please give today to fund this critical ongoing investigation work for a safe climate and future for all. Your gift will:
- Raise public awareness of methane leaks.
- Expose the under-reporting of methane and ensure our government takes action to hold fossil fuel facilities to account.
- Use these findings to put a stop to new coal and gas projects.
- Continue further investigations moving towards our goal of a safe climate and future for all.
Our investigations are 100% funded by the generosity of our ACF community. This groundbreaking investigation exists because of the commitment and shared belief of the ACF community to expose the truth.
Please give today.
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