Australia’s economic rules should put people and nature first, because how can we have a successful economy if we don’t have a planet to live on?
To build an economy that’s good for life, we need game-changing solutions that redesign the current rules, structures institutions and goals.
We know this is possible, and we know you agree. Thank you.
More than ever we need big investment in making Australia a thriving hub for renewables – powering us and the world with clean energy, with future-proof jobs and healthier, more resilient communities. Not gas pollution.
Here's how we're going to do it:
- Expose how our current economic system is failing us and champion powerful ideas for change
- Grow a widespread movement of passionate people to push corporations to do the right thing – naming and shaming poor performers and celebrating those doing good
- Demand our government end public funding for polluting coal, gas and oil industries
- Push businesses and government to measure economic success using indicators like clean air, healthy ecosystems and wellbeing through transparent reporting frameworks
We can only do this vital work with your support. Start a monthly gift today and help us deliver the long-term solutions people, wildlife and future generations need.
ACF is funded by tens of thousands of Australians. This means our campaigns to protect our living world are fearless, objective and independent.
Regular gifts are processed every 4 weeks, with your first gift starting on the day you sign up.
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