Together, we can protect marine sanctuaries like Ningaloo, not only now but in years to come.
Donations from our community empowers the ACF Investigations Team to take urgent action – investigating and uncovering bad decisions and showing the need for strong new nature laws that genuinely protect the places and wildlife we love.
We are on the ground, we are having impact, and today’s win at Ningaloo Reef goes to show we are creating change.
We must continue to investigate the issues that matter most, ensuring transparency over the decisions that impact all of us.
We urgently need to resource the next stage of our plan to investigate atrocities just like this. A donation today will help protect critical habitat for our most endangered species all over Australia. Will you show your support?
You are a vital part of our mission, and your passion and generosity make our work possible.
Image: Michael Sale, Ningaloo Reef (CC)